I took shots 4 or 5 days of the seven that I was M.I.A.(aka-consumed by the teenagers and animals that run my life)
My pictures cover a broad or not so broad variety of topics- Birthdays x 2, Animals (come on, that's a given), Winter's release of the death grip it has on Liverpool, NY, Babies, Animals that are not mine and the damage Winter leaves behind.
Birthday # 1- Ger's birthday (Barbara's hubby)- I went over to Barb's house last Thursday the 4th to watch Gray's Anatomy and Private Practice. I did not know that it was his birthday, but happened to bring my camera along to take my picture of the day. When I walked in Barb let it be known that I was in time for cake and ice cream(I did NOT eat any, I had my not very fun salad instead)-Barb was very excited to see I had my camera with me, and I am also- I truly need to work on the "portrait" (I use this word very, very loosely) picture taking.
Animals- A picture of my Pooch- He was sitting so nicely with my hubby-waiting oh so patiently for someone to get his ball-Does anyone notice a common theme when it comes to Luscius??????? I do believe that I took these on Friday 3/5/10
Birthday # 2- Amanda Marie Santaferra-McCarthy born at 2215 on March 6, 1995 at St. Josephs Hospital Health Center in Syracuse turned 15 years old on Saturday. I spent this day at the mall with six teenagers (boys were included), took them to a movie(I was NOT allowed to sit near them), got dragged around the mall, bought them all pretzels, fit eight people in my husband's Mazda 6(for those not familiar this is NOT a SUV or a Minivan), then found out that my lovely daughter thought she had gotten away with something the weekend before(thank you Linny-Nelson's Mom) and that she has a boyfriend-Nelson!!!!(newsflash! She is not supposed be dating for a whole additional year). We finished off this action packed Saturday with Cheesecake, movies and introducing Savannah Banana & Tiff-i-n-i to Pee Wee's Playhouse(the word of the day is How)
Winters Release- Sunday 3/7/10 was a beautiful day. I was rather productive. I brought Momo outside, brushed her, brought her for a walk and took quite a few pics of random things around my yard(have I mentioned I am not very creative?)
Babies- Monday 3/8/10-OK so these shots were taken earlier in the week, but I need something to fill my gap of days! This is my Addy(No, she is not really mine, but she is such a good baby that I wouldn't mind having her)
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