Finding a subject for today wasn't that difficult. Anybody that knows me is aware of the fact that I am dieting. Dieting = Hunger, Lots and lots of hunger. The last week or so I have been ravenous, so today I took pictures of snacks.
I tried to use healthy snacks
1) Rold Gold Pretzels- Very Yummy
2) Food Should Taste Good-Potato & Chive- Also Very Yummy!
3) Kashi's Honey Almond Flax Bars- NOT YUMMY AT ALL!!!!!! Yuck, very very foul, Flax (say it like AFLAC, I do) is gross, and dry, and you feel as if your mouth will never be able to do away with the foul substance residing inside it. I am very sorry that I bought these and expected my children to injest them. I am a very bad Mom and will be going to H E double hockey sticks for this I'm sure. But, In order to end this on a positive note, Flax does make for a nice picture.
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